Concerned About Mold? Don’t Forget to Ask These Important Questions Before Renting an Apartment
When choosing a new home, it is important to find out as much as you can about the rental property to make sure it will be safe for you and your family. Among the many factors you must consider, mold should be at the top of the list. In any home, mold can cause serious long-term health problems that can include allergies and asthma. If you are concerned about mold, then here are the top questions to ask your property manager before signing the lease.

Have There Been Issues with Mold in the Past?
Mold spores can survive extreme conditions. For this reason, any past mold problems could recur if they were not handled properly. Ask the property manager if the residence has had past mold problems. If the apartment has a history of mold, find out if they knew the cause and how it was handled. If proper mold remediation was implemented, then the apartment should be okay to rent.
Who is Responsible for Mold Removal?
The Northwest Clean Air Agency explains that tenants and landlords can both be responsible for mold, depending upon the cause. For example, personal activities, such as creating a humid bathroom, can cause mold to grow. In this instance, the tenant might be held responsible. However, plumbing leaks and other types of building maintenance issues can contribute to mold growth that the landlord should be responsible for cleaning.
How Do You Handle Maintenance Concerns?
To prevent mold, water leaks and other maintenance concerns must be dealt with promptly. Find out the average response times to maintenance requests and what constitutes and emergency. While you are asking about the building maintenance procedures, be sure to also inquire about mold testing schedules. In older buildings, mold testing should be conducted every five years to ensure the property is safe for residents.

Being proactive in your apartment search can help you avoid having to contend with mold-related health problems. Once you are locked into a lease, dealing with mold can become a complicated issue. By asking the right questions about mold before renting, you will be able to ensure that your new home is safe and comfortable for everyone.